10 Facts about Tinnitus

hearing loss

By Leanne Powers Tinnitus is a somewhat mysterious and aggravating condition suffered by approximately one in 10 American adults. One of those is Greg Van Dell, who led a full life of playing and listening to music, extensive travel, military service in Vietnam and recreational shooting—the latter of which he believes caused his severe tinnitus … Read more

What is the Best Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction


An abatement in erectile capacity may show itself in various manners. Those incorporate deficient erection for sex, a total absence of erection and a reduction in moxie. All reasons on account of which the erection debilitates can be isolated into two gatherings. The main gathering incorporates mental issues. The subsequent gathering incorporates physiological and medical … Read more

An ear pain can be the first symptom towards hearing impairment – visit a leading Singapore ENT specialist clinic for diagnosis

Impairment in hearing can be devastating and one must visit an ENT specialist when the first symptoms appear. We may often find ourselves not following up with a doctor for an ear pain with the hopes it may go away. However, if ear pain is ignored and left unattended you are doing your body a … Read more