By Jill Chapin
Do you recall the measles outbreak in 2015? Although there had been no reported deaths in the U.S. from measles in the prior ten years, there was nevertheless some serious panic among parents.
Some were hesitant about a measles vaccine, possibly because many who contracted the measles were vaccinated. So, what were they to do? Well, according to the media and the powers that be, absolutely nothing other than to become anxious and afraid for their children.
But if anyone had taken a moment, they would have easily discovered that both the CDC and the New England Journal of Medicine suggested vitamin A for decreasing the severity of measles. They even explained the proper doses for infants, toddlers and children.
Now here we are, seven years later, and yet another non-crisis has hit the news, this time over a shortage of baby formula. And our administration and the media are ratcheting up the panic once again to instill worry, fear and anxiety with no guidance on how parents themselves can easily solve this problem.
Here is a real-life example of how one mother refused to be made fearful and powerless when it came to her newborn’s nourishment. And this was decades before this baby formula shortage.
One day before her daughter’s birth, she discovered she had breast cancer. Since breastfeeding was not an option for her at that time, she bought baby formula. But after reading the ingredients, she was adamant about not putting the harmful things listed into her tiny newborn. They could have been anything from heavy metals, soy, gluten, preservatives, faux iron, corn syrup/sugar, genetically modified ingredients, melamine, mineral oil, or synthetic nutrients. These can be found in American formulas approved by the FDA; the European formulas have higher standards as they ban synthetic nutrients, GMOs, heavily processed ingredients and they adhere to strict preservative regulations.
So, what did this mother do? Well, she did what any mother can do right now, and that is to research how to make your own safe and healthy formula. She found that goat milk and a few other nutrients were safe and nourishing, but she first ran it by her pediatrician. He said it was just fine. That newborn grew up to be a straight A student and a strong athlete, so if her body and mind were affected in any way, it was in a damn good way.
Full disclosure – the American Academy of Pediatrics advises not to make your own formula. Their solution is to check out smaller stores if big stores are out of it, or to buy formula online if you can afford it. But then what? What if there is absolutely none to be found and you can’t afford online purchases? Are they actually out of ideas to keep our infants from starving? Wouldn’t a homemade solution approved by a pediatrician be better than watching them waste away? Twenty years ago, doctors weren’t as muzzled as they are today. It would be noteworthy to check with your pediatricians to see if they offer or refuse to help you.
I’m not an advocate of anything except the gathering of information and the determination not to let hysterical headlines run and ruin our lives. Keep in mind that we don’t control what happens; we control how we respond.
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