4 Common Skin Problems in Dogs To Watch Out For

Updated on September 8, 2020
4 Common Skin Problems in Dogs To Watch Out For

The transition from season to season can do some major damage to our skin. It gets dry or oily, attacked by mosquitos, burned by the sun—the list goes on. Dogs deal with that same thing. Some seasons mean more flea bites than others or bring about more chances for allergic reactions than others.

Nobody wants that for their skin, and nobody wants that for their pup. Make sure you know some of the common skin problems in dogs and effective ways to avoid them. Hopefully, this will make for a smooth transition from summer to autumn!

Ticks and Fleas

This is probably one of the most common skin problems in dogs. Now, you may not realize that this is a skin problem since it seems more like an irritant or something that only happens to other people. However, it’s a prominent issue for many dogs, especially in the summer and even the fall.

Ticks and fleas affect your dog’s skin by biting them and sucking their blood. The saliva then enters the body and often causes an allergic response, leading to itchy, inflamed skin. If you notice this, make sure to thoroughly clean carpets and bedding, ensure they’re up-to-date on preventative treatments, and then utilize some natural remedies for ridding fleas.

Environmental Allergies

If you get allergies in the summer, as the seasons change, or in the fall, then you’ll understand what your pups are going through. Rather than the watery eyes and sneezing of hay fever, dogs get “atopy,” which is visible through irritated and itchy skin. This itching can occur on the face, paws, chest, and stomach.

Some dogs are allergic to grass, dust mites, or pollens. A blood test can help you diagnose this, and the sooner you figure that out, the sooner your dog will feel relief.


Again, like humans, dogs can get dandruff and dry skin. Often, this may be a sign of an underlying problem, such as an infection. Otherwise, some dogs are prone to having dry skin, especially as the seasons change. Though you can’t do much about the change of seasons, you can ensure that their diet has plenty of quality protein, omega 3, and fatty acids to keep their coats healthy.

Most of the time, simple cases of dandruff are treatable with shampoos. But if you’re concerned, head to the vet to ensure that there are no underlying problems.

Yeast Infections

Now, this one may not seem that common, but it’s actually something a lot of dogs deal with without owners necessarily recognizing the issue. Warm areas on a dog’s body attract yeast infections. They’ll grow in hard-to-reach areas—the ear canal, between toes, or around the groin and perineum. The skin can thicken, leading a dog to scratch and bite at infected areas.

These can discolor the skin and often smell unpleasant. Grab a topical cream, wash the pup regularly, and grab hold of some tablets to help relieve symptoms.

Keep an eye out for these symptoms to ensure your dog is comfortable in its skin!

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