Why Jasmine Rice Make The Perfect Addition To Instant Pot Meals

Updated on November 9, 2020

Are you a big fan of fish and chicken? If so, you know these foods are lean, rich in vitamins, and very tasty. If your weekly meal plan includes several days of chicken and fish, you are going to need a few side item ideas. Fortunately, there are loads of chicken/fish recipes online. With this said, it is important to note that not all of these recipes are created equal. Some are packed with calories while others have unhealthy food preparation recommendations. 

bowl of cooked food

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What is the solution in these situations? The solution is the instant pot and brown rice. Learn more by reading the article below.

Choose Your Color

For some cooks, it is all about appearance. If you are looking for a healthy but eye-appealing fish or chicken dish, you cannot go wrong with rice. One particular rice comes to mind when speaking of eye-appealing fish/chicken dishes. Jasmine rice is available in an array of colors, including purple, brown, red, and black. You choose which color is best suited for your rich/chicken mean. Black rice is more suitable for some Chinese celebrations while purple rice is perfect for marriage ceremonies. 

Zero Cholesterol

Millions of people all across the globe are struggling with high cholesterol. This condition when left untreated can lead to a heart attack or stroke. If you are dealing with cholesterol problems, you should consider eating more brown rice. This type of rice contains zero cholesterol, so you can consume a healthy portion without concerns about increasing your LDL levels. 

Zero Sodium

High sodium intake has been linked to various health conditions. These include renal (kidney) disease, hypertension (high blood pressure), osteoporosis, stroke, and Congestive Heart Failure (CHF). While women are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis due to high salt intake, men are at risk as well. 

Controlling your sodium intake is as simple as eating more instant pot brown rice. Brown rice does not contain sodium, so you can enjoy more without the concern of increasing your risk of developing one or more of the aforementioned conditions.

Zero Sugar

People with diabetes Type 1 and 2 must monitor their sugar intake. When you break this down, it means diabetics must monitor their simple carbohydrate intake carefully. This type of carbohydrates has been shown to elevate blood glucose levels. In addition to the simple carbohydrates, diabetics must only monitor their sugar intake. 

Fortunately, instant pot brown rice does not contain sugar. You can eat ¼ to ½ cup of brown rice with a piece of chicken or fish for lunch every day and not worry about sugar. Prepared in an instant pot, these ingredients are guaranteed to be healthier for all diabetics.

Build Your Immune System

If your immune system is weak, it may be linked to your diet. Poor nutrition has been shown to cause poor immunity. Fortunately, the solution is fairly simple. Consume more brown rice prepared in an instant pot to build your immune system. 

A ¼ cup of brown rice contains natural substances known as phytonutrients. These substances have been shown to help build immunity.

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