The intricacies and processes of aged care are straightforward to those who have experienced the service, but may be puzzling to those now approaching these facilities for the first time. There is so much information out there, but it’s hard to gauge which signposts to follow. So, how do you determine myth from fact, and know you are providing the brightest future for your elderly loved one? We’ve asked, answered and collated the questions that are asked most among family and future residents so you can make informed decisions.
What is aged care?
What is aged care, and is it right for me or my loved ones? Aged care is the fulfilment of elderly care, wherein senior citizens will receive assisted living, long term nursing home care, home care or hospice care. Which of these solutions an elderly individual chooses will be entirely dependent on their individual circumstances. Aged care facilities will have medical professionals and qualified carers there to support and engage with all residents. These well-maintained facilities are frequently visited by friends and families, 0with a range of social and seasonal events offered and enjoyed by the aged care community.
What should I consider when selecting an aged care provider?
Above all else, you should select an aged care provider that is the right fit for you or your loved one. Anything else may take away from what you are accustomed to, and you want this arrangement to be an improvement, not a hindrance. During your research phase, visit facilities that are of interest and make a point of surveying the living quarters and communal areas. Location is another key consideration, as a facility close to friends and family will ensure you will remain immersed in a community that you love and know well. Religious ties and cultural connection could be another motivator for residents, with many facilities having chapels onsite.
How do I determine what aged care is best?
These decisions are best discussed among family with relevant buy-in from your GP, if applicable. The beauty of aged care is that the community and surroundings are well assimilated, so it’s often an easy transition for those entering the aged care facility. Perhaps you are looking for assisted living, which will accommodate an extra helping hand around the home that will alleviate any physical exhaustion and mobility issues. Alternatively, long term nursing home care may be a better fit, with you or your loved one living onsite and with the full service and assistance of wonderful carers.
What are the next steps?
Now that you know aged care is an option, you can start to take the next steps to find the beautiful new home that will make you healthy and happy. It’s best to discuss your unique circumstances with a professional aged care provider so they add some context around what the journey looks like from here, and making sure you have all the information to make the informed decision.
Reputable facilities will have an aged care support service to walk you through the process, as well as guiding you through MyAgedCare and helping you organise an Aged Care Assessment. These crucial discussions and many more will only serve you and your interests to get the greatest outcome for you and your family.
Aged care doesn’t need to be a difficult discussion, it’s one that will set you up for the future and bring you a source of joy and a new community to love. Like anything in life, the more information you absorb and options you explore will put you ahead and ensure a beneficial outcome will find you.
Senior Outlook Today is your go-to source for information, inspiration, and connection as you navigate the later years of life. Our team of experts and writers is dedicated to providing relevant and engaging content for seniors, covering topics such as health and wellness, finances, technology and travel.