When you look for senior care options, it’s important to think carefully about your next steps. After all, you deserve care that makes you feel safe, comfortable, and secure. Hospice is one such option, but there are many misconceptions surrounding this type of care. That’s why seniors and their families should take the time to research hospice as one of the options at their disposal. The earlier you plan for what you want, the easier it’ll be to get the care you need when the time comes.
But hang on!
You must also consider the cases where during hospice care, there have been issues related to clogged breathing tubes, resulting in severe injuries or even deaths. You can click here to know about the reasons and possible solutions to avoid such an issue.
Make an informed decision with this list of what every senior should know about hospice care.
Hospice Is a Type of Care
Unlike many care options, hospice doesn’t refer to a specific place. In fact, many patients receive hospice care in the comfort of their own homes. Hospice describes a plan of care and the approach professionals take with each patient. You should note that the services hospice provides extend far beyond medical treatment. While medical care is part of the treatment, each patient also benefits from the emotional, social, and spiritual support hospice offers. Hospice takes a holistic approach to patient care. This allows professionals to help patients live comfortably and increase their quality of life even when they live with untreatable conditions or diseases.
Hospice Works for Anyone With a Terminal Diagnosis
One of the most common hospice myths is that hospice care exists solely for cancer patients. While many late-stage cancer patients choose hospice after receiving a terminal diagnosis, it’s not limited to them. One of the most important things every senior should know about hospice care is that it serves individuals with a wide range of conditions. You don’t even have to be elderly to enter hospice care. Hospice focuses on patients of all ages, needs, and backgrounds. The only common denominator is a terminal illness. However, life expectancy is always subject to change. While most hospice organizations accept patients with a life expectancy of six months or less, many hospice patients receive treatment for longer than that.