By Jerry Robbins
I year
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I’m so happy
You are my sweet Baboo
5 years
Roses are red
Violets are blue
On you I’m stuck
Like a dollop of glue
10 years
Roses are red
Car payment is due
Kids to be fed
We live in a zoo
15 years
Take the roses to Mable
Leave the vlolets on the table
We should be thinking of others
Not this stupid cupid fable
20 years
It’s now two decades
Our marriage has endured
Roses may come and go
But our love is well insured
25 years
Roses make my nose red
Violets give me the blues
Instead, this year,
Let’s go on a cruise
30 years
Put the roses in a vase
Place the violets at the base
Then hobble over here with a kiss
And do your best not to miss
35 years
Are those roses
You romantic dear?
Wish I could smell them
But I can’t, I fear
40 years
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I’m pretty tired
How ’bout you?
45 years
I’m going to bed
Can’t stay awake
No roses this year
For heaven’s sake
50 years
Roses are red
Violets are blue
If you take care of me
I’ll take care of you
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