Three Tips to Ease Migraine Pain

Updated on March 26, 2023
Three Tips to Ease Migraine Pain

Migraines can put a damper on even the most wonderful days. Unlike regular headaches, migraines can last all day and cause such pain that they may even induce nausea or dizziness in some people. Migraines can affect everyone differently, and a variety of external factors can trigger or intensify them. The best way to treat migraines is to work with your doctor to create a personalized treatment plan, but you can use some other remedies to ease a bit of the pain. This guide explores three tips to ease migraine pain and avoid common migraine triggers.

Avoid overstimulating your senses

External stimuli frequently intensify migraine pain. These can come in several different forms, and they’ll vary from person to person. The most common sensory catalyst for migraines is bright, artificial lighting, which can cause eye strain that leads to a migraine. Natural light is far better than artificial for people who suffer from regular migraines. It’s not as harsh and therefore doesn’t put such a strain on the eyes. Reducing the amount of light exposure at the onset of a pain can decrease the intensity of a migraine.

Sounds and scents can also increase migraine pain. When experienced in large doses, these external stimuli can overwhelm the senses and worsen existing migraine pain. Avoiding such strong stimuli or taking regular breaks from them may ease migraine pain.

Monitor your symptoms

Migraines manifest differently for everyone. As such, one of the best tips to ease migraine pain is to monitor your symptoms closely. Familiarizing yourself with your migraine symptoms can help you recognize specific triggers and avoid pain before a migraine can even set in. Keeping a migraine diary is a simple way to track such triggers. Use this diary to monitor the frequency of your migraines and the pain level that accompanies them. It can also be beneficial to monitor your diet, changes in the weather, or hormonal changes, as these can all affect the frequency and intensity of your migraines.

Refer to this migraine journal when you’re speaking with your doctor. The information in your journal can help them make a more accurate diagnosis and a more personalized treatment plan. 

Stick to a routine

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a regular wellness routine can also ease some migraine symptoms. All the systems in your body interact closely with one another. When one system is thrown off balance, chances are the other systems will soon follow suit. Sticking to a regular sleep schedule and maintaining a balanced diet may not seem like much, but they may reduce the frequency of your migraines. Hunger, dehydration, and inadequate sleep can all contribute to migraine pain. Tending to these base needs first will put you in a better position to manage other physical ailments such as migraines.

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