How To Deal With Age Discrimination At Work

Updated on March 3, 2022

Growing older comes with many fears and anxieties, one of which is losing out at work, simply because of age. Whether that is being passed over for promotions, being left out of key projects, or even being pushed towards early retirement. If you feel as though you’re facing age discrimination you don’t have to sit in silence. We’ve put together some important advice to follow to help you be seen and heard whilst you’re still working.

Be Prepared 

It is worth being prepared in the case that you do suffer discrimination, even if you feel it is not extreme at this stage. Any form of discrimination is wrong and should be acted against. Consider engaging a professional lawyer who is experienced and equipped to handle employment discrimination claims. While it might feel extreme, you must protect yourself and you can help others within your business that may be facing the same injustices but are too afraid to speak up. Even if you don’t launch a full-scale lawsuit against your place of work, just knowing your rights and having your voice heard is important. Taking action may seem scary but keeping your head down won’t make the problem go away, if anything your perpetrator will likely get worse, and a company culture of age discrimination will flourish.

Make A Formal Complaint 

Ask to speak with your manager or senior members of staff and organize a meeting with your HR team and ensure your lawyer is also present. Going on the record with an official complaint will mean that your company has a duty of care to hear your story and investigate it. Make sure that you have prepared a list of instances and situations that have led you to believe that you are being discriminated against. The more evidence you have, the easier it will be to prove your allegations. Make copies of emails, texts, or Whatsapps and send them to your personal accounts as any communications on workplace devices and accounts is considered company property and can be deleted or removed by your employers if they wish. See if any of your colleagues will go on the record to support your account if they have been a witness to any blatant discrimination you have faced.

Continue Your Growth

Research as much as possible into the latest news, information, and trends that are relevant to your industry and focus on your self-development. The more you strive for success, the harder it will be for your company to attempt to edge you out. They find it much harder to give praise and career furthering positions to your younger colleagues if you are simply the best person for the job. This is particularly necessary when it comes to technology as you don’t want to be seen as ‘not keeping up’. Do as much as possible to stay in the know and volunteer all of your newly evolving skills as much as possible so other staff members and managers are forced to acknowledge your capabilities. 

Have you faced age discrimination at work? How did you deal with it? Share in the comments to inspire other readers. 

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