Guide to Lose Weight or Abnehmen

Updated on September 7, 2019

If you’re trying to lose weight, there are millions of articles out there that can promote products (and most of them do). We’re not going to do that however, but while there are a variety of diet plans and products out there that can help you, most of those will leave you miserable and unsatisfied. At the same time, many of them will also cause you to rebound after you’re done with your diet, causing you to gain all of the weight you worked so hard to lose. In this guide, we’re going to tell you how you can lose weight with Vida Vida – Diätplan, lower your appetite quite a bit, and improve your metabolism too. What’s even better, it’s only three pretty simple steps, and you don’t have to starve.

Kill the Carbs

Probably one of the most important things you can do is decrease your sugars and starches. It’s been proven by numerous diets that reducing carbs will make your body feet off of your body fat (such as with the keto diet, and many other low-carb diets out there). At the same time, it lowers the insulin levels in your body, which can help you get full off other foods, and even feel full faster. Not only that, but eliminating things like starches and sugars (common in foods like potatoes, sodas, candies, cookies, and more) can actually allow you to eat just as much without eating so many calories.

Protein is King

Protein is the backbone of our body’s cells, but you also need to include healthy fats and low-carb veggies in order to ensure you’re getting the right amount of healthy carb intake. Remember – you want to get about 20-50 grams of net carbs per day (which is pretty common in the keto diet). At the same time, you can enjoy some vegetables that are high in fiber, because this is a “negative” carbohydrate that isn’t easily digestible by our bodies, but still helps be a positive source that can help with body regulations as well. Make sure you eat leafy greens and “superfood” vegetables in each meal. You can eat a ton of spinach without going over your net carbs every day.

Healthy Fats

Some of the most healthy fats you can get are from grass-fed meats, as well as oils that offer medium and high chain triglycerides. Common examples are coconut oil, avocado oils, and even butter (not margarine). You can also include plenty of avocados in your diet, as they’re high in other nutrients, antioxidants, protein, and potassium.

Rigorous Workouts

You don’t have to do rigorous extensive workouts but do some weightlifting a few times each week. If you have 20-30 minutes each day, do some cardio and stretching. Make sure if you supplement with vitamins and protein, you do it about 20 minutes before your workout, and eat a quick healthy veggie snack to replenish some protein and vitamins when you’re done. You can do a one-day cheat day where you can eat more carbs, but this is optional, and may not work for you.


This simple “diet” plan isn’t really a diet at all. As a matter of fact, this diet will help you feel more full, but at the same time, your body will absorb more nutrients and allow your stomach to shrink, as well as increase the amount of weight you’ll lose.

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