Choosing the Safest Carpeting Options for Seniors

Updated on April 22, 2022
Choosing the Safest Carpeting Options for Seniors

Carpeting is the recommended choice of flooring to accommodate those of senior age, but there are important factors to consider in a carpet to ensure it is the safest option. Read on to learn what to look for when choosing the safest carpeting options for seniors to optimize mobility and reduce the risk of injury.

Slip Resistance

When choosing the safest carpeting options for seniors, the highest priority is to diminish the risk and impact of potential falls. Carpet increases friction, which is essential for slip resistance, but even materials like olefin or polyester can be slippery and place yourself or a loved one at risk of falling. Be mindful of evaluating carpeting materials to ensure they don’t pose just as high of a risk as non-carpeted surfaces.

Ease of Mobility

Carpeting offers ease of mobility by reducing friction and providing cushioned support when moving. If you use wheelchairs or walkers inside the home, it’s best to choose a material that’s easy to mobilize these items on and won’t place them at risk of becoming caught in the material. Evaluating individualized needs is the most effective way to choose a carpeting option that accommodates ease of mobility.

Maximum Comfort

Chronic health issues and the natural aging of the joints mean comfort is mandatory for daily activities. The safest form of carpeting has a springy texture that offers underfoot comfort. Prioritizing comfort in a carpet also ensures a person can safely recover from a loss of balance. It can also help a person regain composure after a fall, should one happen. If stairs are present inside the home, you must determine if stair treads are necessary to optimize mobility and reduce the severity of any potential injury.

When evaluating carpeting options for a senior home, you should prioritize safety and support. You must also consider how these flooring details can enable independent living. If a home can help accommodate the residents’ needs, it reduces the reliance on outside accommodations and safely optimizes independence.

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