9 Downsizing Tips for Seniors Who are Moving to Assisted Living

Updated on May 16, 2022

When you have finally made the decision to move into an assisted living center there are some changes that you will need to make. You have made your way through life collecting everything that you needed to keep up with the chores, and the maintenance, of your home. You have collected antiques and trinkets, tools and shop items, and everything else that has been of interest to you throughout the years.

You are now going to be moving into a much smaller space. You will be in a place where professionals will always be around to help, but the major downside is the fact that many of the items that you have spent your life collecting will have to be sold off or handed down to the younger members of the family.

It may be hard for you to decide what needs to be downsized, and what doesn’t. This is why we are here to discuss some downsizing tips for seniors who are moving into Omaha assisted living facilities or similar.

  1. Clothes: The first thing that you need to go through is your clothing. You do not need an entire closet full of pants, or a dresser full of socks. Downsize to just some of your favorites, like when you were first starting out in life. If you stay on top of your laundry you may only need a couple of weeks’ worth of clothing. You can hand your unneeded clothes down to family members that want them, or you can sell them at a yard sale, or you can donate them to a non-profit organization that helps people in need.
  2. Entertainment: As you are going through your things and packing the stuff that you plan to take you will come across some things from the past that you simply will no longer need. Assisted living in Northbrook will offer you internet for all your basic entertainment needs. As an example, the box of records that you found in the storage shed will probably never be used again. If you don’t have the time or the desire, donate them to the same place that your extra clothes are going to.
  3. Furniture: You will not have near the space that you are used to having so you will need to choose the pieces of furniture that are needed for your comfort and ease of living. Consider where you are moving and what rooms you will have. You will not have a guest room anymore so you can remove them from your list of needed items. 
  4. Storage Unit: If you are in a hurry to get moved, or you are simply not able to get rid of the things you have collected over the years, consider moving everything into a family storage unit that you, and your family, have access to.
  5. Protect the Valuables: There will be some items, such as jewelry or a signed football from your favorite player, that you will simply not give up. Make sure that you take the time to designate an area of packing for these items, so they do not get mixed up in the boxes that you are no longer wanting. Pack them with care to protect them and get them moved to the new place within the first load or two.
  6. Get Help: You probably already have some helpers, but if not you may want to consider it. Having another opinion can help when you start having issues deciding what to keep, and what to toss. It is your stuff so it may take some extra sensitive helpers to get you through the process.
  7. Attitude: Unless this was a decision that you made on your own you may find yourself slipping into a terrible circle of depression. You need to look at things from a positive point of view, and you need to keep your attitude as upbeat as possible.
  8. Consider Needs and Safety: One major deciding factor that you need to be aware of are things that you need and want compared to the things that you don’t need or that are unsafe. Area rugs, for instance, are a major trip hazard for you as you get older. Do not bother taking them to your new assisted living location.
  9. Professionals: If after all the tips above have not been able to help you through your move it may be time to hire a professional. Tell them what you want, what you need, and let them get to it. They will not be sentimental or biased so what you need will go with you, what you don’t will be set aside to be dealt with later.

These 9 tips to help seniors downsize when moving into assisted living can help you get through the process. You may already be a little scared about the move and worried about how it will work out for you. You need to always remember to keep a positive outlook on the whole ordeal and let yourself know that the move is in your best interests.

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