7 Effortless Ways of Maintaining Good Oral Health as You Age

Updated on September 29, 2021

As we age, our bodies experience many changes. Consequently, we have to deal with various health problems as time passes that can affect our body and our oral health. And many of you would be surprised to know that your oral health is directly linked to your overall health. So, it would be safe to say that when you are taking care of your oral health, you benefit from improving your overall health. 

However, the changes you go through as you age need special care, especially when it comes to oral health. Since poor oral health can intensify other health problems you have to face during old age. This is why the expert dentists at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, firmly believe that the best way to stay healthy and active in the later years of your life is by taking good care of your oral health. 

Below are some simple ways to maintain good oral health in your old age and how they can help you live a long, healthy life.

Visit Your Dentist, Regularly

You might have ignored it all your life, but scheduling regular visits to your dentist is critical for your oral health, hence overall health in old age. According to the Dentist Portsmouth New Hampshire, no visits or even irregular appointments can worsen problems. So if you are an aging senior, make it your priority to visit a dentist at least twice a year, even when it seems everything is normal. 

Following this simple routine can do wonders for your oral health. Your dentist can advise you on what kind of oral treatment you need before they transform into a severe health problem for you. 

Brush Twice Everyday

All your life, you must have heard doctors and dentists recommend brushing your teeth twice every day, once early in the morning and when you go to your bed at night. Some dentists even advise that patients must brush their teeth between meals. So when you are an aging senior, brushing teeth twice a day should be your everyday routine. It will not only help you maintain perfect oral hygiene but will also decrease the chances of you developing health-related issues in the future caused by inadequate oral hygiene. Moreover, it’s a necessity that you can’t ignore anymore. 

Many dentists also recommend the use of electronic toothbrushes as they are more precise in their movement. However, it’s not necessary to only use an electric toothbrush, but changing your toothbrush every three months is recommended. Also, don’t forget to check the bristle strength that suits your preferences. Consequently, for aging citizens, dentists would recommend the use of toothbrushes that have soft bristles. Make sure you brush for a full two minutes. 

Floss Often

You might not know this, but flossing is an essential part of your oral healthcare, but still, many people do not take it seriously. That said, with regular flossing, aging adults can improve their dental health and minimize the risk of cavities and gum problems. Additionally, flossing is a quick and effective way of taking care of your teeth, and the advantages far outweigh any perceived inconveniences. 

However, flossing can feel like a difficult task if you have bridges or other hardware in your mouth. You can contact your oral hygienist to seek assistance, as they can tell you how to floss appropriately without causing yourself any trouble. 

Add Mouthwash to Your Routine

Using an antibacterial or antiseptic mouthwash twice a day can be an excellent way to get more out of your bruising and flossing routine. Many dentists recommend that a gargle must accompany flossing and brush with mouthwash. Moreover, including mouthwash as your last step is crucial because it can make your mouth feel already clean throughout the day. You can find several types of mouthwashes in the market. Consider buying alcohol-free mouthwashes as they are less aggressive when it comes to taste without compromising your oral health. 

Try Calcium Supplements

For seniors, calcium is an essential part of your dental health routine. It’s because many seniors don’t get enough calcium in their diet that strengthens their teeth. As a result, seniors need to enhance their calcium intake to maintain good oral health.

Additionally, seniors are more vulnerable to osteoporosis than other age groups of people. This particular problem can break down the bones around your teeth and result in a severe health problem. So when you increase your calcium intake, you get the much-needed strength to fight the symptoms of osteoporosis that will keep your teeth strong and healthy.

Limit Sugar Consumption

Drinking and eating foods that are rich in sugar can cause cavities and lead to tooth decay. However, if you can’t stop yourself from drinking and eating sugary treats, even as an occasional treat, make sure you brush your teeth afterward. 

Drink More Water

Medications can cause you dry mouth issues which often results in enamel erosion. To avoid this issue, increase your water intake, and if still, you don’t find any improvement consult your physician to switch your medications.

However, drinking a good amount of water has overall health benefits for you. The exact amount of water you need to drink every day may vary depending on your weight, height, energy output, and even climate. But it sounds confusing to you. Follow the default recommendation, which is to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. 

To Sum it Up

Your overall health depends on how you take care of your oral health, especially when you are an aging senior. Even if this sounds like a simple thing to do, many of us choose to ignore the care we need to provide ourselves with good oral health and, as a result, accumulate several health problems over time. However, with the tips mentioned above, you benefit from the knowledge and easy yet effective ways of improving your oral health. Make sure you follow these tips and give yourself the care you deserve and live a life that is full of smiles and happiness. 

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