5 Tips On Choosing The Best Nursing Home For Seniors

Updated on August 8, 2021

No matter how much you’d like to care for your loved ones as they reach their senior years, you might not have the ability to do so, especially with your busy schedule. With that, bringing them to a nursing home might be the best option. In this way, you’re not neglecting them while allowing them to live a comfortable life. However, the thought of bringing them to a stranger’s home might not put you at ease.   

A nursing home is a popular choice for seniors who don’t have someone to care for them every minute. While it might be the best option for your situation, you might not feel comfortable as you’ll constantly look for signs of nursing home abuse. To provide security and peace of mind, listed below are the tips for choosing the best nursing home for seniors:   

  1. Location and Proximity  

Ideally, you should look for a nursing home that’s near your house so you can easily drive to visit your loved one when you need to. In this way, you won’t have to worry about the travel hours to get there quickly. This will help to reduce wasting hours in case of emergencies or time spent visiting. Moreover, when your loved one stays near their families, they’d be more confident and happier. They will know that you’re not just throwing them out.    

If there are no good nursing homes near your area, you should consider choosing other locations that are near to a trusted family member who is willing to visit your loved one regularly. 

  1. Facility Features  

Apart from looking at the size of the nursing home, you should also consider the facility features they have to offer. Some may offer maximum outdoor exposure, while some may extend their indoor activities wherein seniors can mingle with each other. With this, you should ask your loved ones about which they’d prefer to live.    

You should look for a nursing home that can provide what your loved one needs. Are there enough facilities to cater the needs of every senior? Do they consider the individual conditions of the elderly? For instance, if a senior avoids social interaction, a daily walk or group exercise classes may be ideal.  

  1. Nursing Home Maintenance  

As you bring your loved ones into a nursing home, you want to ensure that they’re living in the best environment as much as possible. You didn’t get them out there just so you could keep a roof under their heads, but allow them to feel comfortable and joyful in their days. With that, you should first check the status of the nursing home’s facilities and maintenance. 

Ideally, a nursing home should look updated, clean, and well-maintained. The carpets should be in excellent condition along with sturdy handrails as they can cause slips and falls. Moreover, you should check the potential room of your loved one and see how everything sits. You could check the built of their bed and chair along with the quality of their bathroom. With a nursing home, their safety should be your priority.    

  1. Staffing  

To ensure that your loved one is well-taken care of, you should check their staffing. Check on who and how many people will look after everyone. If the population of the nursing home is plenty, their staff should match their needs. Having enough staff will help to ensure that someone is always keeping an eye on your loved ones, guaranteeing their safety and comfortability.   AdobeStock 49222425

Apart from the number of staff, you should also confirm their medical background as they’ll be the ones who’ll look after your loved one. Moreover, it would also be helpful if the staff has a continuous training program that’ll help to provide an updated and best service for every senior. You can also confirm with the nursing home if they hire nurses that have a history of mistreatment or neglect. While they might offer second chances, it might not put you at ease which you should consider.    

  1. Freedom Of Choice  

While rules are great for achieving harmonious living, your loved one may feel too controlled, as if they’re staying in a military facility, not allowing them to enjoy their stay at all. Ideally, a nursing home should provide enough freedom of choice and independence, enabling them to do the things they want as long as it’s safe for them.  

The elderly should be able to choose what side dishes they want, what types of programs they like to watch, when they can sleep and wake up, and the activities they want to participate in. In this way, your loved ones can be comfortable during their stay as they need not create sudden lifestyle choices which may put them in a low mood.    


Caring for your loved ones as they reach senior age is essential, especially that they don’t have the physical ability to do so. With that, they need to rely on someone who can help them do their daily activities and keep them comfortable throughout the day. However, there might be instances wherein bringing them to a nursing home will be the best option for both of you. With that, you should ensure that you find the best one near you.  

As you look for a nursing home, ensure that your loved one would be comfortable during their stay. Moreover, the entire building should be in great condition, right from the floors to their ceiling. Most importantly, their staff should have a good reputation and skills for caring for their people. In this way, you can be at ease that they’re in good hands. 

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