There aren’t many things you can do when you grow old. You feel lethargic and your joints start paining after an age. Most of the physical activities are more of a burden than enjoyment. Even though Washington DC is a fast city, it still is very particular about being elderly-friendly in many cases. There are many activities for you that you can do that don’t involve a lot of physical activities. We have compiled some favorable options for you after carefully taking into account the latest trends and the elderly-friendly atmosphere at the events.
Going to a nice movie is a very good option if you’re elderly. Most movie theatres are elderly-friendly with elevators and escalators available for every elevation that might be hard for you to climb. In fact, DC hosts some of the most renowned theatres such as AMC Loews Georgetown 14 and Loews Uptown Theatre. Watching a movie can be a fun activity for you as it involves minimum physical activities. Whether you live in DC or visit there on a trip, movies are something that you wouldn’t want to wish.
Miniature golf
Miniature golf is considered to be the perfect sport for old people. It does not include a lot of walking around in the sun like normal golf and definitely does not require the same amount of skill and strength. Places like East Potomac Mini Golf can be an ideal place for enjoying some minigolf with the friends of your age.
There are a number of gatherings that happen in and around DC where you can go. These gatherings are mostly exclusive gatherings and you can simply chill out and make new friends here. Mostly these gatherings include wine tastings, grub fests, and card game activities. Other trending gatherings include weed events, poker games, and cheese tasting. You can enjoy such gatherings devoid of loud music and you can also meet some new and interesting people here.
Dog shelter
Visiting a dog shelter is one of the cutest and engaging activities to get involved in if you are aged. So if you are a dog lover then you are in for a ball. There are countless shelters in DC where you can play with the dogs and you can even adopt one. Dogs make excellent companies for grown-ups. It helps release stress, anxiety, and depression in a lot of old people.
You can also consider going to a nice green park where you can sit and enjoy the peace. The Rock Creek Park in DC is a perfect option. You can enjoy short walks and the fresh air can really help you. Even you can release some stress and enjoy nature after being a part of a fair amount of the bustle of DC.
There are of course more such activities and places where you can take your aged parents but these above-mentioned activities and places are probably the best. It is not very easy to find places that are elderly-friendly but it is not impossible either.
Senior Outlook Today is your go-to source for information, inspiration, and connection as you navigate the later years of life. Our team of experts and writers is dedicated to providing relevant and engaging content for seniors, covering topics such as health and wellness, finances, technology and travel.