Spring Cleaning Tips for Seniors

Updated on April 17, 2016

Spring Cleaning for Seniors, Cleaning Tips for SeniorsSpring is a time for fresh starts, especially with cleaning and organization. As the warm weather approaches, most people can’t help but embrace the tradition of spring cleaning, senior citizens included. While spring is a popular time to get down and dirty with house cleaning, it can be overwhelming for seniors if not planned correctly. Learn about some tips for senior citizens that will make spring cleaning a breeze.

  • Reach out for help. While rewarding, spring cleaning can be a stressful time for anyone  tackling a home alone. Invite friends and family over to help not only make the project more efficient, but also a fun bonding experience. With more helping hands on board, the project will be done in no time. In addition, you’ll have the help you need to move bulkier items like bedroom sets and chairs.
  • Make a list. When tackling a job as big as spring cleaning, the more organized you are the better. Write down all of the rooms that need to be cleaned, and assign chores to anyone who is helping. The work will be better distributed and nobody will be confused of what their role is, making the job go by that much faster.
  • Plan a day. Instead of inviting everyone over right away and immediately cleaning on a whim, pick a day and time that works best for all of the volunteers involved. Create a schedule and dedicate an allotted amount of time to each room so that nobody feels overwhelmed or rushed to finish the job.
  • Clear away clutter. A great way to start the spring cleaning process is to address any trash or unused clutter that’s taking up a large amount of space. Before you begin the organization process, throw away any unwanted items that you come across. This will decrease the amount of objects that you have and make every day cleaning simpler. Plus, getting rid of items you no longer use makes more room for new items!
  • Observe safety first. When conducting your spring cleaning, go through your medicine cabinet for any expired pill. Ensure that you are taking your medications regularly. In addition, if you have any emergency devices in your home to ensure that they are all working effectively.

While spring cleaning can be a stressful time for senior citizens, it doesn’t have to be when loved ones are willing to help. Don’t take on spring cleaning alone this year! Make sure to follow these cleaning and organization tips.

This post brought to you by Glengariff Healthcare Center, a nursing home in Glen Cove, NY.

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